Not a Schedule, but Availability
Hi Friends!
Around June, just before I turned 40, I was mulling over my total presence on Twitch. Specifically, thinking about what I’m doing, when, and how. I had been pondering for a couple of months adding more days to my weekly stream schedule. The same stream schedule I can’t stick to even on a good week! That was mostly coming from a place of, “I have actual free-time and I want to use it to build my presence on the platform,” and all the ideas related to that. I kinda dropped off for the summer after that, though, because I couldn’t deal with the constant over-thinking of channel maintenance and the demands for being “on” with limited energy in the week. For instance, if I have a not great brain-day during my work hours, the only thing I’m going to do is lay down for a nap or watch someone else be silly live. It will not be me.
Fast-forward to now, September, where I’m still thinking about being live more days during the week but at my own rate with the understanding for everyone that I won’t always be “on”. I gave myself Sundays to start with. Working it slowly, Sundays at 7p was perfect. And as I look around at other streamers I spent the last few years getting to know and hang out with, a stream update schedule makes the most sense, especially when it’s a “I’ll be on when I’m on.” The idea of a schedule thing, for my life, is actually very sustainable, I do it all the time. But streaming is a very different beast. It is group management. It is socialization. It is mental and physical prep. It is a lot for four hours and if you’re not having fun, why bother?
So here’s what’s happening: I want streaming to be fun for me, an experience I can look forward to and not dread when a given day comes around. And I want to focus on my art! As always, everything I do is about my work as an artist and storyteller, and I want to live in that. But I also want to just relax and not have an agenda every day. I learned during the summer the value of both structured and unstructured play and that’s where I want to live. So you know, some days I’ll be working on comic pages, while other days I’ll be gaming. And sometimes, you won’t see me at all unless you’re in Discord somewhere.
That said, I want to present to you my current stream schedule. And not schedule as in “You will always catch me live on these days and times every week” but availability as in “Here’s when you’ll likely see me live. If you see me on, stop in. If not, catch me later.”
Sunday 7p - 10p
Tuesday 7p - 10p
Wednesday 7p - 10p
Friday 7p - 10p
Saturday 7p - 10p
Only one of those days is guaranteed, and that’s Sunday, only because I like the weekly updating and hang-out experience. But I want to be clear: the “content” that I create is my comics. Engage with those. Read those. Comments are on, and I’d love to know what you think of my stories and my work. Streams are really for hanging out with no plan or agenda. I’ll post this availability in the Twitch panels so everyone can see it when I’m ready to commit.
That’s all!
Thankies :)